Dar man labai patinka netikėtos kelionės. On the spot. Planuoji ramų savaitgalį ir atsiduri Jūrmaloj arba Kaune. Ir koks skirtumas, kur. Svarbiausia - su kuo :)
Nemėgstu tik vieno - visiškai nesaldaus netikėto esktremalaus susirgimo. Tai vargina. Itin...
Šiandien ieškojau pirkti!!! :) Jogurto kapsulių... Organizmas nualintas, temperatūra nekrinta. Daktarė diagnozės nesako (vargu, ar ji ją žino.. :D ), visi nervinasi, aš negaliu mėgautis pavasariu, nes visi gydo mane... Ir niekas nieko nežino :) Apskritai pirkinių periode šiuo momentu man štilis. Nieko nenoriu, niekas netinka, viskas brangu, nieko nereikia... Bet jau suvokiu, kad birželiui reikės dviejų naujų eni-meni-diki-daki šiek tiek proginių suknelių. Dvi šventės nusimato. Tai va galėsiu rinktis sau smagi :)
Jeigu ką domina atsiliepimai apie naująjį šampūną - absoliučiai nuostabus kvapas (man primena šviežius obuolius) ir ne itin patinkantis poveikis... Mano plaukai labai veliasi, todėl pastebėjau, kad jiems būtinos kaukės, balzamai po šampūnų arba bent jau tiesinantis šampūnas. Vien naudojant šampūną labai sunku iššukuot plaukus... Jie labai veliasi ;/ Taip kad už 20Lt (pilną kainą) jo tikrai nepirkčiau :) Ir tų išleistų 14Lt (berods) šiek tiek gaila...
Na ir pavasarinis manikiūras, pasigamintas vakar (rytoj ryte jo nebeliks, nes nulūžo nagas - vis per tą nualintą organizmą). Žinau, kad nesu tobula prancūziškuose, todėl naudojausi lipdukais...
Naudotos priemonės: Frenchi Smart Enamel stipriklis, Essence žalias nagų lakas, Catrice top coat'as Last up to 10 days.

I adore little extreme events. Such as marriage just after month or two friendship.With the thought "But why not? After living together for 15 years marriage is not necessary. And we wanted to enjoy REAL domesticity". Or matchmaking in some unexpected place - like in the elevator, in the main streets' moll or the woods. Why everything should be done in the way that other do? I adore Paris definitely and I'm planning the rotes when I'll get there (for now it's only in my mind :D ) but the vast majority is goin' here just to propose in the highest floor of Eiffel Tower. I'm afraid Eiffels' tower at all! The only thing what I've done when I was there - I was holding my moms' hand and just crying :D Cause I'm totally scare of heights. So I have no idea what would be my minds when someone would be proposing to me there :D I guess I just would say "Sorry, but could you end all this stuff when we will be on the ground again?" :D
I also love unexpected trips. On the spot. When you're planning to be at home all weekend but after 2-4hours find yourself in Jurmala (Latvia) or Kaunas... It doesn't matter where - it just matters wherewith. And I tottaly dislike one thing - totally sugarless :}} unexpected attack of health. It is very exhausting.
Today I was looking to boy some yougurt capsule for my organism after antibiotics. Generally my shopping period is very calm at the moment. Don't need, don't want and everything is expensive here :D But I know that I will need two new dresses till June cause there will be two festivals :)
If you are interested in feedback about my new shampoo - I really love it scent (just like totally fresh apples) but don't like effect. My hair can be described like "The mat of hair" :D so this shampoo don't make things easier - I have to try very hard to comb out my hair after washing with it... So I really wouldn't buy it for 20 litas (price without discount) and I'm a bit sorry about that 14 litas which I spend with discount.
And also I'm showing you my first spring-like manicure. I'm not good at making french manicure so I was using stickers for that :) I was using Frenchi Smart enamel hardener, Essence green polish and Catrice top coat Last up to 10 days.
P.S. I'm really sorry for my broken English but I think that only practice can make it stronger and better :) Hope that you understand that translation.
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